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Planning an experiment?
Dr. Patrick Friesen answers common questions to help you make the right decisions before you start.
What should I consider when purchasing one or more new growth chambers or rooms?
Read the Answer
How do I know if I need humidity control?
How do I know if I need CO2 control?
At what light intensity should I grow my plants?
How does photoperiod affect the growth and development of my plants?
Do I need far-red in my light source?
How does the spectrum of my light source affect the growth of my plants?
At what temperatures should I grow my plants?
How does pot size, color, and insulation affect the growth of my plants?
How does air movement (fan speed) inside my growth chamber affect the growth of my plants?
What should I consider when designing experiments using growth chambers or rooms?
Contact BioChambers with your questions directly. We'd be glad to help you with your plant growth and equipment requirements.
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